Component Update Could Not Copy Php Install File

Copy Php File To Child Theme Plugin

The FTP Logs would be great to narrow down the cause here. Information that's also required: • FTP Server (I'm assuming it's the built in Windows server?) • Is the PHP FTP Extension loaded? (Check phpinfo) • Has it ever worked on this particular server? Have you performed an automatic update on this server in the past) Most windows configurations I've seen set the file permissions so that WordPress isn't forced to use FTP, AFAIK the Microsoft-suggested PHP installation methods also result in PHP being able to write to the filesystem, so it might not have been raised before.

If you could link to the configuration steps you took for PHP, that'd be helpful for someone trying to reproduce it. FTP Server (I'm assuming it's the built in Windows server?) Correct, using the built in IIS FTP server. Tested on Windows 2008, 2008R2, and 2012R2 Is the PHP FTP Extension loaded? (Check phpinfo) Under the ftp heading in phpinfo it says: FTP support enabled Has it ever worked on this particular server? Have you performed an automatic update on this server in the past) Not on this particular server, but FTP updates used to work on some of our production servers. I believe it stopped working sometime in the last 6 months. Most windows configurations I've seen set the file permissions so that WordPress isn't forced to use FTP, AFAIK the Microsoft-suggested PHP installation methods also result in PHP being able to write to the filesystem We try to lock down permissions a bit more so that anonymous users don't have write access to the entire web root.

I set each IIS site to run under its own application pool, and under authentication >anonymous authentication I set each site to authenticate as 'application pool user' instead of as the generic IUSR account. In terms of NTFS permissions, I grant Administrator:FULL, SYSTEM:FULL, and 'IIS AppPool sitename': READ read access to the web root and revoke all other permissions. I also grant the application pool user write access to the wp-content/uploads folder. Certain plugins require additional permissions to their own subdirectory so I either grant those as needed, or I grant write access to the entire wp-content folder if there are a lot of plugins needing write access. Tyros 4 Styles.