Could Not Start Cpu Test Program

Prime 95Cpu Test Program

Hi, I am unable to use psexec to start a program on the local machine. No program starts, and the typical error that I get is --- C: Documents and Settings v My Documents a>psexec 'C: Program Files Google Google Talk googletalk.exe' PsExec v1.71 - Execute processes remotely Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Mark Russinovich Sysinternals - PsExec could not start C: Program Files Google Google Talk googletalk.exe: The service has not been started. My OS is Windows 2000 professional edition. Is PsExec not intended to be used this way?

Windows won't start up, startup repair can't fix it. Windows won't start up; Startup repair not working. (or if you have a OEM computer such as a Dell. Before you start your testing. Stress-test your CPU. Open the program, then head to Options >Torture Test to bring up a list of options. Jul 06, 2017 Windows won't start up, startup repair can't fix it. Windows won't start up; Startup repair not working. (or if you have a OEM computer such as a Dell. Nov 02, 2005 Troubleshooting the Startup Process. As soon as you turn on a computer. When you start your computer. If you disable or do not.

Or am I doing something wrong? Please let me know.

Psexec 'C: Program Files Google Google Talk googletalk.exe' [.] PsExec could not start C: Program Files Google Google Talk googletalk.exe: The service has not been started. Yep, indeed this usage of psexec is somewhat meaningless. Even if it worked the result would be exactly the same as if you simply dropped the prefix 'psexec', i.e. Hi Karl: I've been reviewing some of the posts here and this one is close to an issue I've run into. I have psexec embedded in a java environment run from JBOSS to copy files to remote windows systems (likeĀ a poor mans deployer). All works great when the JBOSS environment runs from a logged in user, But when it is started as a windows service running as the Local SYSTEM account it fails to connect to a remote system. We are passing the user/pswd for remote access.

Is there a certain system privilege its needs? Thanks Karlchen. Good evening, Estaban.

Not having access to any JBoss system, I tried to reproduce your situation as closely as possible. (Which is pretty far away, I guess.) + You run JBOSS service under NT-Authority SYSTEM + I chose to use Task Scheduler service running as NT-Authority SYSTEM. + Using services.msc I could see that Task Scheduler may not interact with the desktop (tab 'Logon') Step 1 On the local machine, running the task scheduler, this script was created, named ScheduledTask.bat: @echo off:: testing script, no function except finding out if it works:: from inside task scheduler which is run by NT-AUTHORITY SYSTEM:: Task Scheduler is not allowed to interact with the desktop:: cf. 50 Cent The 50th Law Of Power Pdf. Services.msc, Task Scheduler, tab 'logon' set PSEXEC=D: Program Files ProcessExplorer psexec.exe set RUNME=C: Program Files ProcessExplorer psloggedon.exe set LOGSUC=C: TEMP Karlchen.LOG set LOGERR=C: TEMP Karlchen.ERR '%PSEXEC%' remsrv -u Karlchen -p KsPass -e '%RUNME%' >%LOGSUC% 2>%LOGERR% The user Karlchen inside the psexec command has got admin privileges on the remote machine remsrv, a Win2003 server, by the way.

Hi all, I am having similar trouble with psexec. I have set up a small, private network of three computers. I have set the name of the workgroup ('WORKGROUP') on all of them, and I am even able to access one of the computers using Remote Desktop. But I cannot access them with psexec. I just try simple command fors now, to test: psexec student5 cmd psexec student5 -u user -p pass cmd and others.

All I ever get is 'Couldn't access student5. Access denied.' I also try with the computer I am trying to access with my account logged on, and with it logged off (I know this is probably not relevant, but I just thought it was worth trying different things). My supervisor tells me it must be a problem with privileges, on the remote machine. In any case, any insight is appreciated.

Thanks very much, Eric.