Directly Change An Xml File From One Dtd Into Another

How To Create An Xml File From Word

How can I include one XML file into another XML file (on the client side, in Firefox)? I think XInclude is just what I need, but Firefox doesn't support it: It seems I also can use an 'external entity reference', but that depends on a DTD and I'm using XML Schema. Is it also possible with a Schema and how can I do it? Here is exactly what I'm trying to do: design.xml:. Currently the 'library' element is inside the 'design.xml' file.

Hi, I have a requirement, where, I have a dtd xml, and want to convert that xml file into different xml file with different dtd. Steel Cold Winter Eng Sub. Please suggest, how i. Micro Internet Security Pro V16.

I want to put the library element into a separate xml file and include it in all my design files. (I have a lot of designs and only a couple of libraries). The design.xml file contains a reference to an XSLT file that visualizes the design.

When you open the design.xml file in Firefox a SVG (scalable vector graphics) file is created on the fly and shown to you. I also have an XML Schema file that specifies what all the valid elements in the design.xml file are.

Can someone show me an example that accomplishes this? That would be great. Thanks, Johan. How can I include one XML file into another XML file (on the client side, in Firefox)? I'm kind of new to XML, but let me take a stab at answering this.

Depending on what you want the client to do with the document, it seems you might be able to accomplish this at the stylesheet level using document(). Design.xml library.xml. Stylesheet.xml I might not have the syntax quite right, but I hope you get the idea. When the stylesheet is applied to design.xml, the processor will access and handle the external file as if it were part of the source document. For further info see the XSL section on handling multiple documents: Good luck! On Feb 21, 11:45 am, 'Johan'.

Currently the 'library' element is inside the 'design.xml' file. I want to put the library element into a separate xml file and include it in all my design files. (I have a lot of designs and only a couple of libraries).

The design.xml file contains a reference to an XSLT file that visualizes the design. I don't believe what you want is possible, but there are other solutions to the problem; document() on the XSLT side in particular comes to mind. Norinco 84s Owners Manual on this page. Proof-of-concept: xform1.xml: 1 xform_lib_1.xml: A xform.xsl: Note that client-side transformations in general should be avoided, unless you know very well what you're doing.

So, unless you know very well what you're doing, consider transforming your document server-side. -- Pavel Lepin.

On 21 feb, 11:11, 'fildpauz' library.xml. Stylesheet.xml I might not have the syntax quite right, but I hope you get the idea. When the stylesheet is applied to design.xml, the processor will access and handle the external file as if it were part of the source document. For further info see the XSL section on handling multiple documents: Thanks for this explanation. I only have one question remaining: How can I perform xsl:apply-templates to the union of the design and the library together? (There aren't any templates that directly match elements in the library.