Download Kibana 3.1.0

Install Kibana On Windows

Tar zxvf kibana-3.1.0.tar.gz. Note – the link to sample/nginx.conf has changed because the branch master now is kibana 4. You’ve to download it from https. Install Kibana into Vagrant box Raw. Vars: kibana:

I am running the ELK stack (elasticsearch 1.3.1, Logstash 1.4.2, Kibana 3.1.0) on Ubuntu 14.04. I have been running a few different Kibana dashboards with no problem, but recently none of the data shows up in the dashboard, and instead I get a red alert bar that says. SearchPhaseExecutionException[Failed to execute phase [query], all shards failed] This happens within every dashboard, including the defaults. Here is what I have tried so far: • added 'protocol =>http' under the output: elasticsearch in log.conf to account for version mismatch • The logstash process is still running and storing entries. • I can successfully run search queries on each index using curl • It is not a memory issue, I still have over 5G left. • I have tried refreshing the indices, to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Entire stack is deployed on same machine, using ngrep to listen for calls Kibana makes to logstash The same two calls are made for each refresh of the dashboard. /logstash-2014.09. Paint Tool Sai Mac With Pen Pressure. 03,logstash-2014.09.04,logstash-2014.09.05,logstash-2014.09.06,logstash-2014.09.07,logstash-2014.09.08,logstash-2014.09.09,logstash-2014.09.10/_aliases?ignore_missing=true GET /logstash-2014.09.07,logstash-2014.09.06,logstash-2014.09.05,logstash-2014.09.04,logstash-2014.09.03/_mapping The referrer for each call is 'HOST'/index.html' -- will check within Kibana code.

I am attempting to simply load a dashboard I've previously viewed in Chrome. The dashboard fails to load and I get a few Javascript errors in the console: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'invoke' of undefined app.js:22 4 TypeError: undefined is not a function at i (at Object.fn (at Object.f.$digest (at Object.f.$apply (at f (at r (at XMLHttpRequest.v.onreadystatechange (app.js:8 3 TypeError: undefined is not a function at Object.fn (at Object.f.$digest (at Object.f.$apply (at f (at r (at XMLHttpRequest.v.onreadystatechange (The strange behavior is that I open a new browser (Firefox) and I can view the dashboard successfully.

It seems like there is some state that is making things fail. I've cleared the browser cache and got the same results.