Mismatched Serialization Uids Websphere 7
2018阿里云全部产品优惠券(好东东,强烈推荐) 领取地址: I have a java web application that is deployed in two EARs - one for the UI tier (contains a WAR module) and one for the business tier (contains an EJB module). Both tiers are deployed to WebSphere Application Server 7. Madness Project Nexus Hacked Party.
Mismatched serialization error received while creating a Process Instance from BPM Portal. WebSphere with custom. Mismatched serialization UIDs. WebSphere: 9.0.0 At run time. ===== Mismatched serialization UID error caused by the a wrong serialVersionUID generated by the Gen Tool for the DPY stub files.
Windows Phone 8 Emulator here. The tiers are connected via EJB 3.0 stateless session beans. The beans are looked up via JNDI. We use Hibernate for persistence, and a DB2 database.