Virusscan 8.0 Patch 9

Release Notes. McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.8.0 Patch 8 For use with McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator Contents About this release New features Resolved issues. Have tried both an upgrade from Patch 9 and also a fresh install. Content tagged with virusscan enterprise 8.8., revision.

Virusscan 8.8 Windows 10

For download from Release Notes for McAfee(R) VirusScan(R) Enterprise Version 8.5i Patch 7 Copyright (C) 2008 McAfee, Inc. All Rights Reserved ========================================================== Patch Release: October 6, 2008 This release was developed and tested with: - VirusScan Enterprise:8.5i - DAT Version: 5382, September 11, 2008 - Engine Version: 5.3.00 __________________________________________________________ IMPROVEMENTS 1. The on-demand scanner has been updated to better use the System Utilization setting throughout the entire scanning process. Refer to McAfee Support Knowledgebase article 9197288 for further information. This Patch contains a new Buffer Overflow and Access Protection DAT (version 378), which adds an Access Protection category for Virtual Machine Protection.

These rules provide access protection functionality for virtual machines. NOTE: To manage the new Virtual Machine Protection category with ePolicy Orchestrator 3.x or ProtectionPilot, you must use the latest NAP file, included in this Patch package, or VirusScan 8. Beste Fotobok Program there. 5i Repost Patch 5.

For ePolicy Orchestrator 4.x users, the Extension update also contains the updated rule file. The updated Extension package is available on the web product download area under the Patches category. __________________________________________________________ RESOLVED ISSUES The resolved issues are divided into subsections per patch, showing when each fix was added to the compilation. PATCH 7 RESOLVED ISSUES 1. ISSUE: When installing a VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i patch, the existing On-Access Scanner service might fail to unload. This leads to two instances of the service, with one consuming a high amount of CPU usage. RESOLUTION: The On-Access Scanner service had been updated to avoid a runaway thread scenario that caused the service, being replaced, to not stop.

NOTE: To avoid this issue while installing Patch 7 or later, install HF427887 first. Refer to McAfee Support KnowledgeBase article 616344 for further information. ISSUE: Changes to the VirusScan Enterprise core subsystem disabled performance optimization for handling frequent write actions to INI and LOG files. RESOLUTION: The Anti-Virus Filter Driver was corrected to ensure that scanning of specified file extensions is optimized, as in previous versions. ISSUE: A three-party deadlock occurred, causing the On-Access Scanner to become blocked until it times out. This causes the scanner service to time out and eventually self-terminate. RESOLUTION: The Common Shell scanner has been updated to prevent the On-Access Scanner from becoming blocked while the security libraries are loaded by the system.

ISSUE: The extended reports NAP contained some ePolicy Orchestrator stored procedures that were needed to add support for the VirusScan product line. The ePolicy Orchestrator patches have since made new modifications to the same stored procedures. Therefore, when the VirusScan extended reports NAP is checked in after the new ePolicy Orchestrator modified procedures are in place, they are overwritten and the newer functionality is lost. RESOLUTION: The VirusScan extended reports NAP has been revised to no longer replace the ePolicy Orchestrator stored procedures. ISSUE: If the Lotus Notes client is running during the uninstall of VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i, the Lotus Notes Scanner entries might not be properly removed from the NOTES.INI file.