Zip Double/queen Fitted Fleece Electric Blanket
We measure how long each blanket takes to reach a 40°C, then record the final temperature each blanket reaches, which ranged from 41°C to 58°C. Our ease-of-use assessment looks at the ease of using controls, how easy the blankets are to clean, and the ease of fitting them on the bed. Our safety assessment uses a custom rig to simulate 5000 cycles of the blanket’s cord flexing under a 1kg weight. Motogp 13 Pc Save Game Radmin 3.4 Keygen Rapidshare there. there. Then we look for any damage to the cord or controller, before checking their internal electrical safety. We also conduct an anchorage test, which involves yanking the cord 25 times with a force equivalent to 10kg, and applying a rotational force for one minute. We then check again for any internal or external damage.