Basic Serial Port Programming In Visual Basic
This lesson describes the SerialPort control This component represents one of the computer's physical serial ports, and provides properties and methods for reading and configuring the port's baud rate, break signal, Data Set Ready (DSR) state, port name, parity, and stop bits. Hydrain Software here. The class has methods for writing data to the port and for reading synchronously or asynchronously.
Note: this is a fairly advanced and specialized topic that depends on your particular application, so it is not covered in detail here. For more info on SerialPort class you can check the following article: .
Visual Basic interfacing RS-232,MODERM dial-up phone and I2C serial communications. Pc interface hardware electronic and control input output hardware by tcp/ip with. (Page 2): While serial port programming was absent in.NET version 1.1, Visual Basic developers who grew accustomed to the MSCOMM control in VB6 will be glad to know.