Bf3 Punkbuster Kick Disallowed Program Driver

130827 is a pb violation number this is what ea says PB is trying to take a screenshot and something is preventing it also could be losing packets, bad connection to pb and so also do u have funny drivers, something that does injection or otehr hacks? Make sure windows and drivers are up to date i use fraps including with this game without any problems get malwarebytes and do quick scan for stuff here u can look up those violation numbers urs is #130000s - Attempted PunkBuster Hack so what do u have loaded, that you shouldnt?? Most likely u r being flagged and about to be banned by pb. This is no joke. Pb depending on what it catches u with can ban u down to the hardward components of your computes, for just form this game or from every pb game, ect. So dont keep running this game until u fix this problem us pbsvc to test u need to contact pb and get help this is not issue with game or hammerpoint, they cant help u pb is independent 3rd party software from evenbalance.

Yeah, It never came up again. I have never run hacks, and wouldn't trust running them on my pc. I maintain my pc just fine without installing adware checking software that it'self is adware thank you very much. Thanks for the help anyway doc. Your copy /Paste skills stretch far and wide.

Bf3 Punkbuster Kick Disallowed Program DriverDisallowed Program Driver 125141

Kicked by Punkbuster for Disallowed Program/Driver. Of an entire match and then i suddenly get kicked by Punkbuster. Disallowed Program/Driver.

Programmes-guru’s blog. They dont care i cant playing this game 1 week So EA PB KICK: Disallowed Program/Driver 69082. Punkbuster: disallowed program/driver. Battlelog is a free social platform that ties into Battlefield 4 and Battlefield 3 and. Old Punkbuster. I was just kicked. Disallowed Program/Driver 130827. Getting kicked by PB: Disallowed Program/Driver [81466] by seppohoo. And also installed whole bf3 but no. Getting kicked by PB: Disallowed Program/Driver [81466].

I have lost interest in warz as my private server time comes to a close. Maybe I'll pick up the game again in the winter when there is nothing better to do. And when they have patched it up abit.

Or if the dayz stand comes out. Official Blur Patch #2. Have fun playing people.

So this started last night 'out of nowhere'. I didnt update/get anything new except 1 windows update to windows defender, which cant be uninstalled but i tried to play without the whole defender and still have the 'Disallowed Program/Driver ' pb kick.

Every time i get to play like 1-3mins then kick. I tried couple of ati drivers and punkbuster installing. And also installed whole bf3 but no, nothing helps. I've tried to google and search but didnt notice anything that might help.

Anyone else got the same problem and starting time? Declipping Software on this page. Office Suite Pro 7 Apk Full Crack on this page. Please help:P.