Difference Between Spi And I2c Pdf
I'd like to know what's the main difference between I2C and SPI, advantages and disadvantage of each, because I didn't find enough information about. April 13, 2007 comparing_serial_interfaces_an_01 Comparing JTAG, SPI, and I2C 3 Application Note 3. I2C I2C is an acronym for Inter IC bus. I2C allows for multiple. Transformers Robot Creator Game.
Well, let's start with hardware: - let's first state that they both are 'Master/Slave' protocols, i.e. Linkshare Merchandiser Data Feed Program Programs. Communication is always initiated by one Master. - I2C only uses 2 wires, Clock & Data; Clock is unidirectional (mostly, though there is an exception) and Data is bidirectional. More than 2 devices can exist on the same bus, and they will still use 2 wires altogether (addressing is software-based). - SPI uses at minimum 4 wires, one Clock, one Data Out, one Data In, and one CS (chip select).
So, Clock is always an output going from Master to slave(s), Data In is a input, and Data Out is a output. CS is a chip select signal, which allows one (among possibly several) slave devices. So, as we can see, addressing is done in hardware. SPI is inherently faster (up to some 25MHz, maybe more), while I2C is slower (100-400KHz). This is inherently due to the use of more signals to perform communication (in fact, beyond else, I2C uses special sequences to show Start and Stop of communication, while SPI uses CS wire). As for software, the actual communication is similar among the two, i.e. Globetrotter Hsupa Modem Driver Samsung. Clock is generated by Master, and Data is written or read on edges of clock.
What changes is that SPI can read & write at the same time, while I2C not. And also the Beginning and End of communication, as we saw above.