Install Ruby On Windows 8.1

Installing Ruby Go to Make sure that you check 'Add ruby. Dc Universe Full Game Pc there. To your PATH'.

Install Ruby On MacInstall Ruby On Windows 10

Now you can use 'ruby' in your 'cmd'. If you installed ruby 1.9.3 I expect that the ruby is downloaded in C: Ruby193. Installing Gem install in rubyinstaller. Make new folder such as C: RubyDevKit and unzip. Go to the devkit directory and type ruby dk.rb init to generate config.yml. If you installed devkit for 1.9.3, I expect that the config.yml will be written as C: Ruby193.

I'm on windows 8.1 x64 I cannot install ruby DevKit well, what to do next? Ruby -v 1.9.2p290 I want to configure octopress, seems. Save yourself much trouble and learn to use install and linux. It will save yourself trouble in the long run and you will learn some really valuable stuff along the way. In your case, install virtual box and download the latest stable Debian image or Ubuntu and google the tuts on how to install ruby. Protip: rvm/rbenv. Good luck, it's worth it. Ruby on Rails Tutorial (3rd Ed.) Please read Chapter 1 Until section 1.2,you will find the best possible answer,about RoR in windows. You better use cloud integrated.

If not, please correct path to your ruby folders. After reviewing the config. Drivers Impressora Hp Deskjet 610c. yml, you can finally type ruby dk.rb install.

Now you can use 'gem' in your 'cmd'. Another way is to let manage your ruby package (and any other package), that way you won't have to put ruby in your path manually: Install first by opening your favourite command prompt and executing: @powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command 'iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('&& SET PATH=%PATH%;%systemdrive% chocolatey bin then all you need to do is type cinst ruby In your command prompt and the package installs. Using a package manager provides overall more control, I'd recommend this for every package that can be installed via chocolatey.

I have a Windows 8. Www Seiren Com Br. 1 tablet and I want to install Ruby 2.0. There is not enough room on C: drive and I was wondering if it would still run and function correctly if I.