Rename Files With Vb6

How to Rename a File or Folder (Directory) from VBA, Visual Basic 6, Microsoft Office/Access/Excel Provided by: FMS Development Team Did you know there is a built-in statement in VB6/VBA/Office/Access/Excel that allows you to do this without using API calls and without referencing the File System? From the VB6, VBA, Office/Access/Excel Help File The Name statement moves the file to the new directory or folder and renames the file, if necessary.

Rename Files With Vba In Access

I understand how to rename a file in VB.NET as I use in the code. How to rename file in VB.NET. The File class has many useful method for dealing with files. VBScript code which can rename multiple files in a folder by replacing certain patterns and extensions.; Author: ozkar garcia; Updated: 24 Jun 2008; Section: Files. How can a rename.txt file and delete it? How to Rename/Delete.TXT file?? Quick Navigation Visual Basic 6 and Earlier Top.

Here's the syntax: Name OldPathName As NewPathName Name can move a file across drives, but it can only rename an existing directory or folder when both OldPathName and NewPathName are located on the same drive. Name cannot create a new file, directory, or folder. If OldPathName and NewPathName have different paths, and the same file name, the Name statement moves the file to the new location and leaves the file name unchanged. Using Name, you can move a file from one directory or folder to another, but you cannot move a directory or folder. Using Name on an open file produces an error. You must close an open file before renaming it.

Name arguments cannot include multiple-character (*) and single-character (?) wildcards. Sample Code for Renaming a File or Folder Our example below only provides support for files or simple folder renaming (e. Durabrand 2127n Manual. g. The path folder does not exist). Renaming a directory to a name that already exists is more complicated and may be included in a future tip.

Here's one way. Private Sub CopyRenameFiles() Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject Dim fsoFldr As Scripting.Folder Dim fsoFile As Scripting.File Dim intCounter As Integer 'get the folder Set fsoFldr = FSO.GetFolder('C:Original') 'this is all it takes to copy the files to the other folder fsoFldr.Copy ('C:Main') 'change reference to the Main folder Set fsoFldr = FSO.GetFolder('C:Main') 'initialize the counter intCounter = 1 'start processing For Each fsoFile In fsoFldr.Files 'rename with the desired format fsoFile.Name = Format(intCounter, '00000000') 'increment the counter intCounter = intCounter + 1 Next End Sub.