Jabber Folder Locker

Jabber Folder Locker

Symptom: Jabber is installed in Phone mode (no IM/PRESENCE). Deskphone mode is used ( CTI) A user has workstation/phone in 2 physical locations: Location A, extension 1111 Location B, extension 2222 Folder redirection is used in AD so that the desktop of the user is synchronized in both locations. At any time user has the option to control any of the 2 IPphones though Jabber. User is initially in location A and controls extension 1111. After he moves to location B. Platinum Notes Crack Idm. When he logs in Jabber the phone selected is extension 1111 (of location A). If he dials the audio and video will start from extension 1111 which is at the remote office A.

The issue appears in the opposite way when he moves back to location A. Problem: User must always remember to select his local phone in every change of location. The cause of this problem is that the phone selection is saved in the file: jabberLocalConfig.xml in the folder AppData$ username AppData Roaming Cisco Unified Communications Jabber CSF Config which is a server location in folder redirection architecture.

Cisco Jabber for Windows 10.5 Advanced Features Guide 1. Transfer Files YoucantransferfilesbetweenCiscoJabberclienttoquicklyandeasilyshareinformation.

So initially the phone 1111 is saved and in the 2ng login from location B this selection is used. Conditions: observed with every version of jabber. Datawedge Mc9190 Cold on this page.