Manual Mini Hay Baler
Tractor Tools Direct is proud to offer the Abbriata line of square balers. These are heavy duty machines that can be operated by your existing 20+ horsepower compact tractor.
Square balers give you the highest production rate because you never have to stop to tie a bale as you would with a round baler. The machine continuously ties and drops the bales out the back. And while traditional square balers require a tractor of 40 horsepower or more, Abbriata has changed the design slightly to allow you to bale with a tractor as small as 20 horsepower.
Though the design is very similar to the original International Harvester design still in use by most manufacturers, it differs in a few important ways. Aside from the width of the pickup, these balers make a slightly smaller bale (hardly noticeable to most people).
There are many options available and this article examines A Hand Powered Hay and Leaf Baler made by Larry McWilliams that is on the CD3WD. Theseus Return Of The Hero 2 more. A prototype of the Hand Powered Hay and Leaf Baler was made using the tools listed in the table below.
The plunger compresses the hay with more strokes per minute, meaning less hay is compressed with each stroke, allowing operation with less horsepower. Abbriata has been in business for over 100 years and was the first company in Europe to develop both the mini round baler and the square baler. They make a commercial-duty, reliable machines that will give you years of trouble-free service. When it comes to choosing a baler, there are a multitude of choices. Even within the various categories of balers there are important distinctions. For the purpose of this discussion, we will concentrate on mini round balers and small square balers. Most small farmers do not have a large enough tractor in either weight or horsepower to consider a big round baler or big square baler.
If that’s what you’re looking for, there are many other places to find information. For the rest of you, this guide will help you determine which baler is the best choice for your tractor and your operation. Figure 5 summarizes the different criteria for choosing the right baler for your small tractor operation. The word is spreading about mini round balers. Once a rare oddity, many small farmers are finding that they are the best choice for getting their hay in the barn. The mini round baler works on the same principle as its bigger cousin, rolling the hay inside a chamber until it reaches a certain size, and then wrapping the bale with either twine or net and ejecting it out the rear of the machine.